Eiri Greme Ray

Eiri Greme Ray


WT 25/02/2009


VDH ZBrH BOC 13 888

ISDS CH/302252


mottled brown and white short hair
 51 cm 15 kg

Agility 3    


ED + OCD-free X-rayed, according to veterinarian

CEA / PRA / Kat free from all hereditary eye diseases from 05/04/2011 DOK doctor Amberger

CEA DNA Carrier Optigen test from 12/10/2011

MDR1 gene defect free (+ / +)

TNS Genotype-free (normal)


NCL free Genotyp N/N

IGS (Imerslund-Gräsbeck-Syndrom) Genotyp N/N  free

Ray is available to approved bitches

Questions to ask

tanja.pollich @ t-online.de


Änderungen rückgängig machen
Pedigree Ray
Microsoft Word Dokument 130.0 KB

Some words about Ray

Ray is my soulmate. He is a very friendly and openminded dog who wins everyones hearts with his charming ways. In everyday life he is relaxed and calm. He loves all other dogs and people, he is always calm and friendly. His biggest passion is agility, he always does his very best. Ray is very eager to work, dynamic and concentrates well. In agility he is well balanced has a great drive but always pays attention to his handler. Ray can be worked with on a high drive level he listens well and keeps his cool. He is simply my dream dog!