Hi I'm Tanya was born on
05/16/1974. Since 1997 we have our first dog, "Benny" purchased, I am working with dogs. Since 2002 I have worked as a trainer in the areas of basic and agility and was at that time
some dog handlers and dogs successfully prepare for exams. I am interested in the different training methods, such as the "clicker training!" . With my Border Terrier "Dusty" I started
in agility since 2002 and has 4 times to take part
in a German championship. In the DHV-DM Reydt, I was able in 2005 with
my Dusty 5th Place in the standings show.
I also started three times with Dusty at the
European Open. Besides working as a practice leader, I am in our club, the Flying Dogs Dogs friends Grosselfingen eV served as treasurer. Since February 2009 I as a judge in the performance Agility swhv
work. 2009 attracted my young Ray with
us. Ray is a brown haired Border Collie and
it makes me Riessen fun again train their own puppy. Let's see how Ray developed :-)
If I have some time and me time not
occupied with dogs, I love to ride. Even the
painting of pictures is one of my hobbies.